America’s Favorite Braided, Egg Wash Carb

Why do millions of people love this braided, soft, rich, eggy, and moist bread where you picture yourself as a kid digging inside to grab the innermost, softest part of the bread?

There is something about Mary. There is just something about challah. It is the final piece de resistance for a Shabbat dinner, Rosh Hashanah, or for a random, fun, quarantine activity of the day… since everyone just loves this as much as sourdough bread… and maybe a tad bit more than zucchini bread…

The richness, the warm smells of the bread covered with a table cloth or towel, is just mesmerizing… and difficult for little kids to have to sit through the blessings before digging in!

If you google the Wikipedia history on challah, it is amazing to see how universal and its versions are beautifully adapted in so many different cultures.

I love watching how it’s traditions become more mainstream on different holidays with additional ingredients… such as chocolate, mozzarella, Nutella, peanut butter, etc. I also love how old Jewish traditions are resurfacing again as well… such as pomegranates, which symbolize new beginnings, figs, fruit jam, and much more.

*The best, most fun-fun part of making homemade challah is punching the dough during the first rise! Check out video gif below!

Honey Whole Wheat Challah Recipe

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